Friday, July 19, 2013

Pink Crochet Willow Block Afghan


When I first saw the crochet willow block, it is just like love at first sight, lol.  I wanted to crochet the block so badly.  I searched the web for the pattern but I couldn't fine any. However, I found a few good shots of the crochet block and gave it a try. I got it or it  looks very similar to the crochet willow block that I like.

So when I went to FL last month, Walmart down there had some yarns on clearance.  You know me, I got some yarns and started to make this afghan. 

I finished all the squares while in FL.  At first I just wanted to make a small baby blanket but when I finished the first skein the blanket was too small so I got the second skein and made a bigger blanket. I used Caron Baby yarn. 
 I finished the edging when I got back home.

 I mentioned earlier that I love this crochet block and I wanted to make it even better so I changed the center pattern.  I always like flower in the center of crochet block.  I saw the tutorial here for adding the green round to make the block solid.
I like this new willow block too.  What do you think? 

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. These are beautiful, Helen! I love the edging on the afghan.

  2. That afghan is so pretty. Lucky you being able to look at something and figure out a pattern for it.
    The new block is very nice also. I like the colors you chose for it

  3. Beautiful Helen. You always amaze at how much you do and make such light work of it.


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