Monday, November 12, 2012

Quilling Cranberries Note Card


Sharing a quilling berry card.  Sorry for the poor photo quality.

I never know what cranberry plant look like and I was really happy to fine the quilling cranberry on google.

I did the craziest thing.  I signed up for 2 craft shows December 6 and 7. It wasn't my intention but thing happened and I will just have to go with the flow.  In the past I didn't even do 2 shows in the same month and now I'm having 2 shows two days in a row.  So this mean I have to make tons of things for the 2 shows and I will be absent from my blog and from checking out your wonderful blogs. 

Until then ...



  1. I love your quilled cranberries. They look wonderful. I don't think I ever knew what a cranberry plant looked like either. All I've ever seen is the berries.
    Good luck with your craft shows. I look forward to hearing about them

  2. Lovely quilling Helen and have a nice time crafting and good luck with your shows.

  3. They are beautiful cranberries. I always enjoy looking at your quilling work.

  4. I hope you do well at the two shows...I am sure you will as your work is lovely.

  5. A wonderful card..just lovely!
    Have a wonderful day,


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.