Monday, October 24, 2011

String Art Ornaments and Matching Boxes

Hello Bloggers!

I am sharing a few of the string art ornaments that I put together last week.  If you are my regular blog reader, you knew I had about 100 of these string art already made over the Summer and just waiting for me to put them together into something.  And the holiday season is not too far away so I thought I put a few of them into ornaments.  The ornaments look the same on both sides and I am into matching set lately so I made each ornament a matching box.  I was thinking of making a matching card to go with the ornament but I didn't have time so may be next time.

I was very happy with the result and I especially happy with the boxes.  Each box used just one 8 1/2 x 11 card stock.  I will share the measurement of the box another time.

I had a few of these ornaments on my Esty shop or if you are interested in purchasing the one that is not in my Esty shop email me.  I tried the ornaments on a Christmas tree and they looked so nice!  This picture didn't tell much.

I am entering this to

Make It Monday
Inspire me Friday

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. what a beautiful Christmas card and the box is pretty too!
    Greetings Baukje

  2. Great work!!! I would like to try myself this string art, seams to be interesting and the results are so beautiful!!!

  3. Your string art is Superb Helen and the boxes are fantastic.. Saw this on MIM..Loz

  4. wow the ornaments are so gorgeous, and the boxes are fantastic, you really put alot of detail into them, and love the colors, awsome work!!!

  5. Wow, these look great as ornamnets. TFS.

  6. So very colourful and pretty Helen. the first one is my favourite.

  7. These are just so pretty! beautiful gifts too and in their own box-I really liked looking at your art work...made me feel good today.Thank you!

  8. These are beautiful ornaments with matching boxes.

  9. Wow!!!очень красивые работы-одна лучше другой!!!!

  10. Helen those are so pretty. I love the way you always make matching boxes.

  11. Wonderful work:) Love it :)

  12. Helen ...I am speechless ...Stunning works .
    Beautiful gifts in a treasure box .Thanks for sharing on make it Monday .

  13. STUNNING, SIMPLY STUNNING! I always say that you are a brilliant artist. Thank God for blogging that I discovered you.

    xxx Monica

  14. wow these are great, saw it on mim x

  15. Wow- gorgeous work, and their own little beautiful box too! Saw you on Make it Monday.

  16. These are beautiful, Helen, especially the blue and white snowflake. See you on Friday. I ran into Joan today and she is working at Riddle on Friday, so you will probably see her too.

  17. Helen, your work is always so beautiful....lovely colours and love all the string art. Just had to pop over from Make it Monday.

  18. Wow, these are fantastic! That blue one BLEW ME AWAY! Love the idea! I may have to scraplift it for Christmas presents... :)

  19. Your boxes are beautiful,Helen! I'm sure whomever receives them will be thrilled. I like your red string art ornament the best, it really catches your eye!


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