Monday, January 31, 2011

Crochet Edges Curtain Panels

I needed 4 curtain panels.  Each panels was 80" x 80".  I didn't know why but I just love the curtain with the crochet edges.  I finished two panels.  I couldn't take a picture of the entire panel.  So here is a picture of the crochet edges that I did.

I did this design around the curtain except the top part of the curtain.  The first panel I finished in two days.  The second panel took a lot longer than that because I was bored crocheting the same design. Now that I am finished with them I didn't really like the design. I still need two more panels but I am not going to need them until April so I will wait to finish the other two with different design.

I don't have a pattern.  If you google "crochet edges", you will fine many.

Also, I am delighted to receive this award from Monica at Handmade cards with love

Monica created very unique cards for charity. She is very good with using natural material such as coffee beans, herb plants, leaves and many more on her cards.  Thank you Monica for sharing this award with me.

Thank you so much for looking.



  1. So PRETTY! Lovely design and I always admire you for your patience! This is just soooooooo nice. Your hubby is a lucky man you know! I hope he knows that... Lol!



  2. Very pretty crochet edge. I can relate to getting bored with doing the same design.

  3. Nice, unfortunately I do not know how to knit

  4. Helen, you know I love these panels. I can't think of anything you would make that I wouldn't like, except maybe...dinner! hehehe (you know I am just joking since I know you don't like to cook!) = ]

  5. It is pretty, Helen! You are so talented! I used to crochet a lot of doilies but never the edge ones. Now I can't crochet too much anymore. My hand hurts. :(


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.