Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stylish Award

Good Morning Everyone!
To my wonderful surprised, Ann at Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap had award me this Stylish award a few days ago.  Thank you so much Ann for sharing this award. Head on over to Ann's blog to see Ann lovely creations and don't forget to say hi to Duke while you are there.

Accepting this award, I am asked to do the following:

1. Thanks and link back to the person who awarded me this award.

2. Share 8 things about myself.

3.Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that I have recently discovered.

4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.

Hmmm... 8 things about me

1. I once grew grass on the same lawn 3 times within 12 months.  I did all the wok myself.  I thought of it as a two in one: I got my work out done while making my lawn looking nice.

2. I paint my house, at least one room, every year.

3. I spend way too much time on my hobby and browsing the web and loving it.

4.If I promise something, I tend to keep it, big or small.

5. Beside paper craft, I enjoy reading.  My favorite authors are Patricia Conwell, Robin Cook, James Patterson, and  John Chrism.

 6.I can't sit still.  I had to do something all the time. Like if I watched TV, which I rarely do now, I would crochet or fold the origami units. Or I would read in the kitchen while I wait for the water in the top to boil.

7. I travel to Florida by car (a little over 1000 miles each way) 3 times a year.

8. I am not creative, but I like to believe I am talented. Am I?

I haven't had time to visit new blogs recently so these are my choices in no particular order


Handmade card with Love


Janie's Creative corner

Have a wonderful weekend!


P.s. check back next week I should have the Magic box tutorial ready then.  Hopefully!


  1. Congrats dear Helen! You deserve all the awards because of your amazing talents...

    I loved reading the 8 things about yourself... and I agree you tend to keep your word! You are more than talented - you are BLESSED!

    Thanks so much for honouring me... I was feeling a bit low about some matters and you cheered me up. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart...

    xxx Monica

  2. Thank you so much Helen for thinking of me , I think its an honour to get it from such a creative person (You are very creative !) as yourself.

  3. You are most welcome for the award, you certainly deserved it :)
    I also have a problem sitting still. Just sitting on the couch and watching tv (which I rarely do anymore either) is impossible for me.
    Not creative? I think you are very creative and talented as well.
    I really look forward to seeing your tutorial.

  4. Hey Helen, First of all, Congrats on the award! Now, I cannot believe you don't think you're creative!!! WHAT!!! I think you're creative and very talented! Also, have you by any chance noticed those rooms of yours getting any smaller(given all the coats of paint)? Ha, I can't stand having to paint when I need to, let-alone painting a room every year! You amaze me! Also, you have 4 more bloggers to award girl, you can't get off that easy LOL! You just gotta get out there and find somebody! (smile) Well, as usual, I'm flabbergasted at your recent creations...not creative? Oh you jest, Oh you jest! Hey take care Helen and I'll see you again soon!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.