Friday, January 15, 2010

Quilled card/frame

Good Morning Everyone,
Thank you for visiting me today.  Today I'd like to share this card/frame.  One day I just sat down and made these small flowers.  They came out nice so I decided to make a frame card.  I thought this card/frame is very versatile.  It can be used as a card, an invitation, or even scrap book page.

 I had moved from using 1/4 inch quilling strips to 1/8 inch quilling strip.  1/8 inch is harder to cut and work with but the result are worth it.  Here I used 1/8 inch x 6 inches for the flowers.  The big leaves are 1/8" x 12" and the small leaves are 1/8" x 6".

Pink flowers were not my first choice, but I thought it looks pretty nice.  What do you think?

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm.  We are having a little break from the cold temperature here in the Delaware Valley.  The temperature is going to be around mid 40. :)



  1. What beautiful flowers! Your workmanship is so exact and perfect - no wonder your quilling is so elegant! :<)

    Barbara Diane

  2. This card is beautiful! Love the pink quilled flowers. :)

  3. As always, your quilling is beautiful.


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