Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Origami Week - Day 3


Today I'd like to share this blue swan. I made quite a few swans a few years ago using white printer papers but I forgot to take picture before I gave them a way. I was not thinking when I assembled the pieces into this swan until I was half way through then I realized "blue swan!" I can't give it away so it is sitting here among my many origami collections.

This swan used approximately 400 pieces. Patient, patient, and patient.

I hope you've enjoyed my origami posts and that you'd check back soon.



  1. Hello!

    Your Origami is just too awesome! Such beautiful work!

    Barbara Diane

  2. My name is Trish and I have so been admiring your origami posts. My neice loves to do origami and I was wondering if you could post a tutorial on how you made that beautiful blue swan. It is gorgeous. I know swans shouldn't be blue, but I love it. How creative you are. So if you would be willing to share your secrets, I would love to know how to put the swan together.

    Please continue to post your origami. Talent like that should not be hidden.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.