Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 D card


I saw this 3 D card a while ago at I was hooked. I love 3 D items especially 3 D card. So, I must learn how to make one even though I don't have anyone to give it to. I just wanted to learn how to make it. After afew clicks on the web I made it. This is the front of the card. And the next picture is shown when the card is opened. Cute isn't it!

I havn't even finished the card yet but I was just so excited that I wanted to share.

1 comment:

  1. Helen,
    Sooo glad you like my 3D projects. I think this card you've made is ADORABLE! You are quite talented to have figured it out after looking at my photos...a stamper after my own heart!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.