Saturday, January 30, 2016

DreamBird Shawls


Wow, it had been almost 4 months since my last post.  Do I still have any reader?

Here are Dreambird shawls that I had been  making. Both need to be block and weave in all ends.

Faye wants this one.  I used baby yarn so it is very soft.  It has more feathers but since I used smaller needle the shawl is not as big.    I made it a little long so she won't grow out of it too fast.  She grown out of everything that I made her.   

This next one was a joy to knit.  I used size 6mm needle and Red Heart Soft yarn.  It was pretty fast to knit.



  1. I still look for you, Helen! These shaws are so pretty. I've never seen this kind before.

  2. Still here Helen...a joy to see a post from you always! The shawl looks amazing
    Dr Sonia

  3. Hello Helen! Thanks for your visit to my blog & yes I'm still there to read your posts, but haven't been blogging much except for this month. Your shawls are gorgeous. I don't know knitting.

  4. Beautiful and charming work!
    Have a nice week!

  5. Never seen a shawl like this before. Beautiful. (reminds me of peacock feathers)

  6. Hey Talented one, Beautiful shawls---and a perfect name!!!

    I am not blogging as much as I did... Just don't seem to have the time anymore... Crazy life of mine keeps me SO busy...

    Take care, Helen.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.