Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wedding Cards


I was debating to continue blogging or to stop because I am completely lost interest now.  It used to be exciting now it's like a chore.  I still make ton of stuffs though.

Any way I'm going to give it until the end of the year.

I have a few wedding cards to share since it is wedding season.

I saw this card on pinterest.  I thought it is so cute.  

 My friend Elisabeth gave me some wedding stickers.  I quilled the rings then added the stickers.

 This last one is  popular.  I made a few of them and they were all sold.
Thanks again for looking.  Have a lovely day.



  1. I love love love seeing your work ... hope you re-consider and stay blogging.

    Have a great spring ... hugs, Katie

  2. Blogging is tough when you're hearts not in it. I'm with Katie though, I always enjoy seeing your work. Keep your blog here and just add to it when the mood strikes. These wedding cards are so pretty. You are a very talented lady

  3. Beautiful cards, Helen! Hope you decide to continue blogging.

  4. So pretty, Helen. All of them are graceful and elegant. I have been thinking of you and I understand what you say as I feel the same way. I do feel that there is a positive side to blogging though and that is it gives me an arty high. On the flip side, I find it too much sometimes to click pictures and put them on my blog.

    I just wonder how much I would miss you if you don't blog. It is this lovely community we crafters have and share and care.

    I hope you come to a decision which makes you happy.

    Thank you any way for all your love and and kindness you have shown to me in all thse years.



  5. Hi Helen, IF you don't enjoy something, then don't do it.. That's what I try to tell myself. I struggle with visiting other blogs --although I love to blog myself... They do take up lots of time --and time is what most of us don't have.

    I love seeing all of your creative accomplishments... Wow!


  6. Helen I go through "I want to stop blogging "phases regularly.I have short breaks and when I come back it always feels good! Yes blogging does take a lot of time but please know you will be missed. I was going through an older post of mine and saw your comment and dropped by to see how you were. I love seeing your creations Helen !
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.