Monday, July 15, 2013

DIY Shoes For The American Girl Doll


I took a break from crocheting and made this adorable shoes for Faye American Girl doll.  It took me a few hours just to make the shoe sole and liner templates.  The shoes have left and right size.

There is a lady on youtube channel that made all kind of doll shoes.  She made the most adorable doll shoes on the web.

Thanks for checking in with me again!



  1. Cute little shoes! I just finished a pair of duck tape shoes for my niece's doll -- doll sized projects are so fun!

  2. oh my gosh, those are just the cutest

  3. They are totally cute! I'll have to look at the video on how to makes these. Faye's box is mailed today - priority ... so be on the lookout ... katie

  4. How so adorable! Are they really doll shoes you have added every detail. Iam sure Faye is thrilled.

  5. I am going to forward this to a friend - really great. sandie

  6. WOW these are so cute Helen!!
    and Thank you so much for the kind words on my Foam roses tutorial

  7. How do I get the instructions for these shoes so cute

  8. Where can we get instructions please


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