Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Crochet Hangers Cover For 18" Doll Clothes/ Tutorial


Faye's doll, Saige, has collected some wardrobe from Katie at Westie and Julp.  I made these hangers inspired from here.  I couldn't do the regular triangle shape hangers so I made them kind of rectangle shape.

I hot glued the bead and the crochet heart and flowers to cover up the raw (spelling?) edges.  I think they added a nice finish to the hangers too.
To make the hanger I bought a roll of 16 gauge wire from the Home Depot.  I think the roll has 200 yards of wire and it was less than $7. 

To do the hanger I measured 5 1/2 inches (6 inches was a better one) on the edge of a piece of wood scrap and  drew the hanger shape.  Then I put a few nails around the drawing. I wrapped the wire (about 20")  around the nails and  gave a few twists at the joining.

Took the hanger off the nails
 I used two pieces of PVC pipes (pull against opposite end) to straighten the hangers.
The doll clothes slipped right off the hangers so I single crochet around the hangers.  I think they turned out adorable and so girlies.

I will be taking a break and will be back July 8th.

Happy crafting!



  1. Those did turn out great. What a brilliant idea

  2. Pretty darn clever! What will you think of next??

    All the best

  3. These little hangers are SO-ooo CUTE, Helen!!! Thank you for sharing how to make them! ~tina

  4. Have a wonderful time Helen. I love the way you have used crochet for the hangers. Very clever indeed.

  5. These are so pretty! The beads and little hearts and flowers are gorgeous.

    Hugs, Dawn

  6. These crocheted hangers looks great! You're talented!


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