Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cream Crochet Purse


I made this purse since last Spring but I never line it until last week.  I used Aunt Lydias size #3 crochet thread.  The thread has a little sheen which make the purse really pretty.  For the handle I single crochet a long piece about 6 rows and then I sew the piece to make a tube and ran it through the holes.

 Here is the liner. I doubled the liner because the purse has so many holes and when I looked at the purse from the outside I could see the wrong size of the brown liner so I decided to try the reversible purse.   I did it correctly the first time which was incredible for me since I  don't sew.

I don't like the fabric color that I used for the liner.  It is too dark which didn't blend well with the cream purse.  So this mean I have to make another one. :)



  1. Wow -- that is a beautiful purse! You must have a lot more patience than I do -- I haven't tackled a project like that yet!

  2. oh Helen, this is so pretty.

  3. This is really beautiful! Do you have any videos on YouTube? I would love to learn to make this for my mother!

  4. You do the most amazing work. ...lovely.

  5. Wow! Beautiful! I don't think I have the patience for it. I made a small ruffle purse but haven't posted it yet. :)


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