Monday, October 15, 2012

Gray Broomstitch Scarf


When I first saw this crochet pattern, I wanted to learn how to do it right a way.  This pattern is my favorite pattern in crocheting so far.

Isn't it gorgeous? or it is just me.  I just love this pattern.  Can you picture it in purple, raspberry or pink!
Click here to go to the tutorial 

I checked the size #50 knitting needles.  They cost almost $10 for a pair.  Even  with the 40% off coupon, they still came out around $7 after taxes.  I knew I am not going to use them so I used a small pvc pipe
 (3/4 inch) , a left over pipe scrap  for the lace.

Have a wonderful day!



  1. This is a beautiful crochet pattern...yes, purple would be wonderful..

  2. That is gorgeous. I love it. How clever of you to use the pvc pipe too. I wouldn't have paid that much for a pair of needles either

  3. I've never seen this pattern. Love it!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog today -it was so nice of Ann to feature me on her blog!
    This scarf is so pretty...I love it in gray - at least it looks gray on my monitor! Wish I could crochet!

  5. I love that you used pvc pipe! :) It's a beautiful scarf! :)

  6. Very interesting stitch. I never heard or seen it before. Nice scarf, Helen.

  7. That's gorgeous! I'll have to go give it a try sometime. Thanks for the link and inspiration!

  8. That's gorgeous! I'll have to go give it a try sometime. Thanks for the link and inspiration!


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