Monday, September 3, 2012

Lots Of Beaded Flowers


I tried the beaded flowers before but I couldn't do it.  My fingers couldn't handle the wire or may be because I didn't use the right tool and the right technique.  After I saw Dr. Sonia bead flowers, I wanted  to give it another try.,  I found a few tutorials.



And this is what I was  doing all day yesterday with my 5 years old helper. She always wanted to help so this time I thought she can actually help and she did.  I had her put the 6 white beads in the wire and I would finish the flower and together we made all these.

  I tried these with the color beads on the outside.  I thought they didn't come out as nice as the white beads on the outside.  So I went back and made more like the above flowers.  I also made all white bead flowers. We made at least 100 flowers yesterday.
Then my daughter wanted to make the bead flower all by herself.  I showed her how to and these are her flowers made all by herself. After I took the picture of her flower, she made a lots more. She said that she couldn't help it; it was so much fun. 

Thanks for checking in.



  1. You both did a fantastic job! Love these!

  2. Very Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!!

  3. These flowers are so gorgeous. I will have to look at the tutorial and see how to do them, especially since I will be babysitting tomorrow and this might just be an end of summer project!! Thanks for sharing with us. Hugs

  4. Wow pretty1!! What are you going to do with them all?

  5. Those are really cute. I like the ones with the white on the outside better too. Your daughters flowers turned out great

  6. OHHHH !!! Gorgeous beaded daisies..
    fabulous work .

  7. you both did a great job, there so pretty !!!!


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