Wednesday, December 14, 2011

4 Years Old Quiling Frame


Today I wanted to share this quilling frame made by my 4 years old daughter.  She assembled the wooden frame at the Home Depot with the help from my husband.  If you have small children and looking for free thing to do on weekend,  the Home Depot has free kid clinic on the first Saturday of every month.   And Lowe Home improvement  also has free kid workshops twice a month.  The workshop is on the second and the third Saturday of the month.

With the paper threader that I got not too long ago, I cut her some quilling strips.  I tried to show her how to use the circle sizers but it was difficult for her.  I thought the imperfection on the flower petals added an interesting effect to it.  I didn't help her with the quilling at all. 

She made the three flowers with the stem and the leaves first then she glued them onto the frame.  She added the four corners later. It took her a few days to do this quiling. The last corner I guested she got tired of it and never finish it.  She wanted to sell her frame at the craft show.   She didn't realize that her frame is priceless to her mom. :)

Until next time!



  1. Oh it is priceless as you say Helen!

  2. Awww she did a great job, if she keeps it up she may show us a thing or two,lol

  3. Wow, your 4 year old did that? It's fabulous. She definitely has your talents

  4. This is awesome stuff for a four year old. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You are right it looks better because of the different sizes of the petal. Isn't that how nature makes them.

  5. How adorable is this... and priceless as you say.

    Like mother like daughter, how talented is your daughter and what pretty flowers. Great colour scheme as well.

    How is the shop doing?

    Monica xxx

  6. Wow, Helen...I feel some shame as I am jealous of the work done by a four year old!
    This is so sweet! If your baby girl continues to have an interest crafts, she will really become a giant! So much talent!


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