Friday, March 25, 2011

Miniture Flowers


I gave the 3 D quilling another tried and I was still struggling with the flower pots. I knew why I was struggling because I used 1/8" quilling strips.  When doing 3 D quilling , 1/4" quilling strips was recommended.
Any way here are the miniature flower pots.

This one is a tulip in case you can't tell.  It's a little crocked.
 This is a rose.  I used the leaves  and the floral wire from the Cuttlebug quilling kit. I really like this one.  It's so cute!
Here is another rose.  I saw this one here.
The leaves were quilling tear drop shapes and I glued them together.  For the stem I rolled a square piece of construction paper.


Crafts and Me challenges - anything goes

Scrap book sisters - anything goes

Tuesday throwdown - anything but a card

Thank you for stopping by.  Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Love love love! Absolutely amazing.

  2. So amazing, I would not be able to see them, lol! They are very, very pretty, tfs! Mary

  3. Wow! Very pretty...

  4. Those are really cute. I still haven't tried the 3D quilling. I just got a kit for my birthday though so now I have to try it :)

  5. OMG Helen, you must be cross eyed by now, lol!!!

    These are amazing and so very pretty.

    Michelle :-)

  6. Pretty, pretty, pretty.

    I have left you something on my blog.

    xxx Monica

  7. Helen, so very adorable. Love these miniature flowers in flowerpots!


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