Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CAS # 2 - Fifth Avenuse Water Color

Thank you for stopping by again.  If you painted these roses before, you know you can't just painted one or two.  You would paint a bunch of them  and that was what I did.  I painted different colors.

Here is another CAS from Sandi Maciver.

I don't have the large ribbons so I added the flat pearls.  It was so much fun creating these cards.  Thank you Sandi for the inspiration.



  1. Extremely nicely.
    I do not know what CAS

  2. OH my Helen, these cards are stunning! I really must try this technique.

  3. Very beautiful! I love this set and you did a great job on water coloring!

  4. I had to scroll a bit before I could find your inspiration. I like your addition of the pearls. I guess you ordered them? They are lovely...

  5. Helen, thanks for hopping over to my blog. I came over to see yours and realized I "know" you already :)

    I'd like to try your hibiscus as a seven-flower pop up, I think.

    Is that Longwood Gardens in your header?

    Extreme Cards and Papercrafting


Thank you for taking the time to leave me your lovely thought. I love reading them.