Friday, December 18, 2009

Origami Mobile and Baskets

Good Morning,

Here are some of the items I've made using the weaving origami ribbons.  This first picture here is a mobile and it's a very big one.  It's at least 4 feet long.  Here is the top part.

Here is the bottom half.
You can also made basket from them.   This first basket here I assembled them close together.
 This second one here I decided to have some space between the pieces.  You'll have to cut the ribbon extra long when you are making them.
This last one here I assembled them like a diamond shape.

 Thank you for visiting.  Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Wow! This is very detailed work! The mobile must have taken you forever! What a show piece! :<)

    Wishing you a great weekend!

    Barbara Diane

  2. Wow! What a work of art! Looks complicated!


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